Butler County

Artwork for Children

Amanda Bowers is a stay-at-home mother who began painting as a way to create decorative artwork for her children. Having no formal art training, she was doubtful of her ability as an artist. Amanda learned how to turn her hand to work with, not against, a paintbrush. She also practiced, building her confidence with her skill.

Stacey Edwards is a high school art teacher who has always been an artist. She encouraged her sister-in-law, Amanda, to begin painting artwork for children and soon became involved herself. She feels that the art they are creating helps bolster confidence in a novice and provides a creative alternative for an experienced artist like herself.

Emily Jacks Artwork (named for grandparents) is a creative collection of growth charts, picture frames, and canvas art designed to reflect current trends in the world of young children’s tastes. Although Amanda and Stacey work closely together, some differences can be seen. Stacey outlines her work in black, while Amanda outlines her in white.

Emily Jacks Artwork is also available at arts and crafts shows in the area