Montgomery County
Needle Baskets
The calming nature of “whispering pines” must have played a lead
role in the inspiration of Sheree when she started making pine needle
baskets. She says that she “can relax and let the pine needles guide my
hands to form whatever shape my baskets may take.” Weaving the pine
needle baskets take from a few days to a week or two from start to
finish. Just a description of the basic materials such as pine needles,
nylon, waxed linen, or sinew thread used in the construction of Sheree’s
baskets does not begin to describe the beauty of her finished art.
When asked to comment on how she got started with her craft,
Sheree said “I just took a class” - a continuing education class at AUM in Montgomery that was taught by an instructor who studied at
the John C.
Campbell Folk
Art School
in North Carolina.
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